lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Publicaciones Internacionales-UE 2015

Adult Learners in Digital Learning Environments (EAC-2013-0563) (26/08/2015) The study aimed to contribute to the work of the Commission and Member States in achieving the objectives set out in the Education and Training 2020 Strategy (ET 2020), which aims (inter alia) to raise the currently largely static rates of adult participation in learning towards the ET 2020 target of 15%, thus contributing to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
5 Presidents Report: Completing Europe´s Economic and Monetary Unión El Informe de los cinco Presidentes, de 22 de junio de 2015[2], y la Comunicación de seguimiento de la Comisión, de 21 de octubre de 2015[3], establecen un plan claro para profundizar en la unión económica y monetaria, incluidas medidas para limitar aún más los riesgos para la estabilidad financiera. Completar la unión bancaria es un paso indispensable hacia una unión económica y monetaria profunda y completa. Es importante para la moneda única disponer de un sistema financiero unificado y completamente integrado a fin de permitir una trasmisión eficaz de la política monetaria, una mejor absorción de las crisis económicas mediante una adecuada diversificación de riesgos entre los Estados miembros y la confianza general en el sistema bancario de la zona del euro.

G20 Turkey: The Antalya Summit 2015 The most concrete indicators of this unique approach have been the establishment of Women-20 (W-20) engagement group which will focus on increasing women’s participation in the workforce; the launch of the Istanbul-based World SME Forum to provide SMEs with a global voice; adopting a concrete G20 goal to decrease youth unemployment; and establishing closer dialogue with Low-Income Developing Countries (LIDCs).

New Priorities for European Cooperation. in education, training and youth.The fourth edition of the European Education, Training and Youth (ETY) Forum took place in Brussels on 19 and 20 October 2015. The theme of the Forum was New priorities for European cooperation in education, training and youth. The event hosted forward-looking discussions to agree on the most effective and efficient ways to implement the priority areas for European cooperation in education and training 2016-2020 (ET 2020).

Horizonte2020- Informe sobre Educación Científica El grupo de expertos de la CE SwafS ha publicado un informe sobre la Educación Científica, para promover el concepto de Investigación e Innovación Responsable (RRI) en la Sociedad europea.

Matching Skills and Jobs in Europe Many of the skills Europe needs for sustainable economic recovery will be learned at work. According to Cedefop’s new European skills and jobs survey, to overcome skill mismatches, more and better jobs that invest in people’s skills are needed. Un Marco Fiscal para el Empleo 3-11-2015 Think Tank Civismo. Los impuestos al trabajo en España son tan elevados que dificultan la creación de empleo. La cotización a cargo del empleador supone más del 50% del conjunto de impuestos al trabajo. Desde este punto de vista, España es el segundo país de Europa con la mayor opacidad fiscal.
Innovarometer 2015 Innovation Trends at EU Enterprises The role of companies as primary sources of innovation and engines for growth and creation of jobs is fundamental. This Flash Eurobarometer is aimed at capturing the main behaviours and trends of EU business as far as innovation related activities are concerned. Carried out in the 28 Member States, as well as in Switzerland and the United States, it was designed to collect information on the profiles of innovative companies, to explore barriers to commercialisation, as well as identify the areas where public funding could best support innovation.
Eurobarometer 422-Cros Border Cooperation in the EU. The survey was conducted among citizens living in the border regions covered by the Interreg cross-border cooperation programmes. In total 54 Interreg cross-border cooperation programmes were considered.  The 2015 Pension Adequacy Report: current and future income adequacy in old age in the EU Having examined the role of pensions in current living standards, the report discusses the impact of recent pension reforms, analyses the future risks to adequate old-age incomes and makes suggestions as to how these risks might be addressed by Member States, notably by women and men postponing their retirement by working to higher ages and by saving more.
Cómo el Euro se convirtió en nuestra moneda. BCE. La moneda única europea —el euro— vio la luz el 1 de enero de 1999, pero siguió siendo una moneda «virtual», utilizada principalmente por las entidades de crédito y los mercados financieros durante los tres años siguientes. Para la mayoría de la gente no se convirtió en una moneda «real», visible y tangible hasta el 1 de enero de 2002, fecha de la puesta en circulación de los billetes y monedas en euros que hoy día forman parte de la vida cotidiana de más de 300 millones de personas en Europa.
On the way to 2020: data for vocational education and training policies. In this report, Cedefop has selected a set of 33 indicators to quantify some key aspects of VET and lifelong learning. The selection is based on the indicators’ policy relevance and their importance in achieving the Europe 2020 objectives. This publication should be regarded as a valuable tool to help policy-makers better understand and assess VET developments in each country.
Every year since 2010, between January and July, EU countries get together to examine each other's economic policies and agree on country-specific Recommendations. At a time when the EU demography is shrinking and technological change is accelerating, social investment is key to ensuring a sustainable crisis exit and future prosperity.
ANALYSIS OF INNOVATION DRIVERS AND BARRIERS IN SUPPORT OF BETTER POLICIES Economic and Market Intelligence on Innovation. Social attitudes to innovation and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is possibly one of the most important drivers of innovation and one of the most difficult to measure. It involves individual attitudes to risk, opportunities that reduce risk, receptiveness to new ideas, and access to capital. Most indicators of entrepreneurship either measure individual attitudes, such as the Flash Eurobarometer measure of attitudes to starting a financially risky business, or attitudes to self-employment.
This Policy Brief explains what entrepreneurial networks are, and how disadvantaged or under-represented groups can join them. Online networks in particular offer the added advantage of removing physical distances.
Brainport Develpment Mobility in Europe Best Practices in connection with labour mobility. The purpose of this report is to collect European best practices in connection with labour mobility in the ICT sector and asses how these can potentially be replicated in other EU Member States. The methodology of the study includes a research based on a thorough analysis of the EU ICT labour market and ICT labour mobility, by reviewing the available literature online and interpreting the statistical data. The best practices have been gathered through expert interviews and questionnaires with supporting partners and their member associations, recruiters, industry representatives and experts on talent attraction and retention

Nueva Guía de Evaluación COST Proposers are invited to read the set of COST Implementation Rules establishing the conditions for participation in COST activities and in particular in COST Actions, namely:  A. Rules for Participation in and Implementation of COST Activities (COST 132/14)  B.1. COST Action Proposal Submission Evaluation and Approval (COST 133/14)  B.2. COST Action Management, Monitoring and Final Assessment (COST 134/14)  B.3. COST International Cooperation and Specific Organisations Participation (COST 135/14)  COST H2020 Vademecum ( ) 

Para permitir a los proponentes de nuevas Acciones COST que desarrollen el borrador de la propuesta, el Anexo Técnico se puede descargar en formato Word aquí.

GUIA FINANCIACION UE TURISMO This guide has been prepared for various reasons, starting with the strategic importance of tourism for the EU. As the third largest EU economic sector, tourism has indeed a wide-ranging impact on economic growth, employment and social development.1 Its importance is acknowledged by the Treaty on the functioning of the EU, which requires the Union to support, complement and coordinate Member States' action in this field (TFEU art. 195).

The role of cities in the cohesion policy 201EST4-2020 Urban regions are an important factor in regional development. During the 2007-2013 programming period, the main input provided by cities and urban areas was at project level. For the 2014-2020 programming period, Cohesion policy enhances the role of urban areas. Nevertheless, in practice the role of cities still seems similar in scale. As the programming phase is almost completed, there is now limited scope for further influence on the design of the new programmes. The next opportunity to involve cities will be as part of partnerships during the programming period.
Gender Equality Report 428- Eurobarometer Survey 3/2015 MAIN FINDINGS:
- Almost all Europeans (94%) agree that equality between men and women is a fundamental right and seven in ten (70%) ‘totally agree’ that it is a fundamental right.
- Around three in five Europeans (62%) think that inequalities between men and women are widespread in their country, with around one in ten (11%) thinking they are ‘very widespread’. Women are mo
re likely than men to say that gender inequalities are widespread (68% vs. 57%).

La guía, editada por la Comisión Europea, DG de Empresa e Industria, presenta: a) La justificación y el estado general de la educación emprendedora en la UE; b) Un modelo progresivo para desarrollar y aplicar las diversas etapas de la política relativa a la educación emprendedora; c) Una serie de ejemplos de buenas prácticas, aptas para inspirar proyectos capaces de integrarse en los programas operativos (PO) de los Fondos Estructurales. Estos ejemplos se describen en los recuadros del capítulo 4 y en el anexo.

En particular, la UE trabaja por reducir la tasa de desempleo juvenil, que dobla con creces la de los adultos (23,6 % frente a 9,5 % en noviembre de 2013). Fomenta un planteamiento más específico y holístico a la lucha contra el desempleo juvenil: apoyo directo a los jóvenes más necesitados, reformas estructurales para potenciar la asociación entre los ministerios, sistemas de educación oficial, organismos de educación profesional, agencias de empleo, empresas, interlocutores sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de todos los países de la UE

Review of a recent Social Policy Reforms for a fair competitive Europe 2014 This report presents the annual review of the Social Protection Committee on the development of social protection policies, including social inclusion, pension, health and long-term care, in the European Union. Focusing on policy measures adopted in the period 2013-2014, the report aims at assessing the main directions of reform efforts in the field of social protection.

Cedefop Magazine January 2015 Issue The January issue of Cedefop’s magazine Skillset and Match, the first of our 40th anniversary year, is available to read and download. It is packed with exclusive messages and interviews, features, news from EU Member States and information on new publications. Luxembourg assesses vocational education and training initiatives. Interview: Cedefop’s Sylvie Bousquet on ReferNet, Europe’s network for vocational training.