lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015


Poster advertising the European Digital Jobs Fair

European Digital Jobs Fair Madrid 20-11-2015.  The European Digital Jobs Fair is a collaboration between two European Commission initiatives: EURES, a long-standing employment portal which matches jobs and skills in Europe , and the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, a multi-stakeholder partnership to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe and the thousands of unfilled ICT-related vacancies across all industry sectors.

'Engaging SMEs in apprenticeships', 9-10 November 2015 .  Commissioner Thyssen's video message to the 2nd Cedefop European conference.
The following funding opportunities was  presented:

Skills Panorama The new Skills Panorama website, brought to you by the European Commission and powered by Cedefop, is now online. Skills Panorama turns labour market data into useful, accurate and timely intelligence that helps policy-makers in making their decisions on skills and jobs in Europe.
European Conference Engaging Smes Apprenticeship- CEDEFOP The objective of this year’s event is to discuss how SMEs can be better engaged in apprenticeships, and give an opportunity to participants to network and to explore areas and ideas for cooperation on how to assist SMEs in the provision of apprenticeships, in particular those which have not trained apprentices before. Date: 09/11/2015 to 10/11/2015
El informe del Grupo de Tareas sobre el desfase en el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio «Balance de la alianza mundial para el desarrollo» supervisa los recientes logros y los desafíos en la implementación del octavo Objetivo de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM 8), al tiempo que mira hacia la nueva agenda de desarrollo sostenible, que será adoptada por los dirigentes mundiales en la Cumbre de Desarrollo Sostenible que se celebra del 25 al 27 de septiembre y que incluirá el lanzamiento de un nuevo conjunto de objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. 

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.
Erradicar la pobreza, promover la prosperidad y el bienestar para todos, proteger el Medio Ambiente y hacer frente al Cambio Climático.

Plan de Inversiones para Europa

El 15 de abril de 2015 el Comité de las Regiones (CDR) reunirá a los responsables políticos de la UE y los representantes locales y regionales para evaluar el Plan de Inversiones desde una perspectiva local. Los dirigentes políticos y los expertos en inversión debatirán sobre tres cuestiones principales: 

¿Es el Plan de Inversiones una respuesta, qué papel pueden desempeñar las autoridades locales y regionales, cómo garantizar su capacidad de inversión propia?

Date: from 26/03 to 27/03/2015 It will bring together national experts (policy makers, researchers, social partners, practitioners) from different European countries and representatives of international organisations to:

-present and discuss developments, compare policies, standards, methods and processes that ensure the quality of certification process in IVET;

-discuss how these approaches are understood by different stakeholders and applied in countries;

-debate if and to which extent the use of learning outcomes influences quality assurance arrangements supporting certification;

-reflect to what extent and how the experiences from the certification process are taken into account when reviewing initial VET.

European Year for Development 2015 EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, presented a new Eurobarometer survey to mark the beginning of the European Year for Development. Figures show that the number of people who are in favour of increasing aid has gone up significantly, and Europeans continue to feel very positively about development and cooperation. 67% of respondents across Europe think that development aid should be increased – a higher percentage than in recent years, despite the economic situation. 85% believe that it is important to help people in developing countries. THE EUROPEAN YEAR FOR DEVELOPMENT – CITIZENS’ VIEWS ON DEVELOPMENT, COOPERATION AND AID Special Eurobarometer 421
Final Declaration of Major European event to shape the future for social businesses. Strasbourg on 16 and 17 January 2014. Social entrepreneurs aim to have an impact on society rather than only generating profits for owners and shareholders. For example, they provide jobs for disadvantaged groups, promoting their social inclusion and increasing solidarity in the economy. But they face enormous challenges and an uneven playing field. To conclude the two-day event, a final declaration summarising the outcome of the discussions has been adopted. This represents the views of various stakeholders from the social enterprise sector and not those of the European institutions.Videos, Worshop, sign declaration