miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013


Declaración del Eurogrupo y Ecofin 12-04-2013 En su reunión del 12 de abril de 2013, el Eurogrupo, refrendó las condiciones políticas vinculadas a la ayuda financiera a Chipre y la propuesta de la troika de ampliar el plazo de vencimiento de los préstamos a Irlanda y Portugal. Felicitó a las autoridades irlandesas y portuguesas por la ejecución de sus respectivos programas e hizo balance de la situación de Grecia. Los ministros también debatieron sobre varias cuestiones clave relativas al marco operativo para la recapitalización directa de los bancos a través del Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad.
Marco Presupuestario UE 2014/2020/Consejo 23/04/2013 El Consejo reiteró su compromiso de concluir las conversaciones con el Parlamento Europeo sobre el marco financiero plurianual de la UE (MFP) 2014-2020. "No hay tiempo que perder para avanzar en nuestros debates sobre el MFP", declaró el Viceprimer ministro y Ministro de Asuntos Europeos irlandés, Eamon Gilmore. "Es necesario poder tranquilizar a los ciudadanos en el sentido de que los nuevos programas estarán disponibles con tiempo suficiente a principios del año próximo."
European Paliament: negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the European Union and United States of America Impact Assessment (SWD (2013) 68 final, SWD (2013) 69 final (summary)) for a Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the opening of negotiations on a comprehensive trade and investment agreement, called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, between the European Union and the United States of America.
The specific objectives regarding EU-US economic and trade relations translate into the 
following three pillars: 
- 'Increasing the volume of bilateral trade in goods and investment in goods sectors by 
reducing barriers, 
- Increasing the volume of bilateral trade in services and investment in services sectors 
by reducing barriers, 
- Achieving reciprocal market access to the government procurement markets of both 
parties'. (IA, p. 23)
European Parliament: Ue- CHINA The EU's trade and economic relations with China are generally good, and the number of disputes remains within reasonable ceilings. However, the EU is dissatisfied with China's reluctance to fully implement its WTO commitments and, more generally, with protectionist measures that affect EU interests. For its part, Beijing is still dissatisfied with the EU's refusal to grant the country 'market economy' status and has criticised the opening of a major antidumping and countervailing duty case on solar panels.
Council Conclusions on Contributions of Quality Youth Work to the development In the course of several meetings, the Youth Working Party has prepared a set of conclusions with a view to their adoption at the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council on 16-17 May 2013. Several priorities have been identified to ensure and enhance quality youth work for the development, well-being, and social inclusion of young people.

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