miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013


OMC Informe Anual 2013 El Informe Anual 2013 ofrece un panorama general de las actividades de la OMC en 2012 y a comienzos de 2013. Incluye un breve resumen del año, al que sigue un examen pormenorizado de las esferas más importantes de la actividad de la OMC. En el último año, el fuerte oleaje ha puesto a prueba el comercio mundial y los prolongados efectos de la crisis de 2008-2009 se han dejado sentir en la economía mundial. Como resultado, el crecimiento del comercio mundial se redujo al 2,0% en 2012 –frente al 5,2% registrado en 2011- y se prevé que en 2013 aumente sólo ligeramente, hasta aproximadamente el 3,3%.

EU -DG Trade Pocket Guide 2013This new Pocket Guide to Trade Statistics contains selected tables and graphs outlining the current state of and recent developments in the European Union's foreign trade. Statistics on trade in goods, trade in services and foreign direct investment are key elements in any description of the trade performance of the EU with the rest of the world. 

DG Employment - European Vacancy Monitoring 9 Decline in recruitment demand was particularly pronounced for craft and related trade workers as well as for plant and machine operators (-9% and -7%) in the third quarter of 2012, according to the May 2013 edition of the European Vacancy Monitor. 
FMW On line Journal on Free Movement of Workers Nº6 The sixth edition of the Online Journal follows the European Commission’s recent adoption of a proposal for a Directive, which looks at ways to improve the application of worker’s rights in the EU. The proposed legislation seeks to increase this effectiveness, through a better application of EU law on people’s rights to work in another Member State. Within this context three different experts in the field offer their insights into the current situation, with a specific focus on the dynamics of contemporary forms of intra-EU mobility and ambiguities that currently exist in the rules on access to social assistance benefits for EU citizens when abroad.
DG Employment Working Paper on data sources for the timely monitoring of the social situation in EU countries. The working paper also reports on a stocktaking exercise of existing national approaches to providing timely social data, as well as the possibilities being exploredwithin the framework of the European Statistical System (ESS) to improve the situation.
FRA Handboock on European Law relating to asylum, borders and immigration. In March 2011, as a result of their first joint project, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the European Court of Human Rights launched a handbook on European law in the field of non-discrimination. Following the positive feedback received, it was decided to pursue this collaboration in another very topical area where equally there was felt to be a need for a comprehensive guide to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as to relevant EU regulations and directives. The present handbook seeks to provide an overview of the various European standards relevant to asylum,borders and immigration.

Libre Movimiento de Mercancías Guía para la aplicación de las disposiciones del Tratado que rigen la libre circulación de mercancías. La guía puede resultar útil para las administraciones nacionales de los Estados miembros, tanto en relación con el marco regulador existente comocon la elaboración de nuevos actos legislativos nacionales. En el ámbito no armonizado, también podrá servir de orientación a los abogados queasesoran a sus clientes acerca del mercado interior. Por último, el mercado interior siempre ha generado interés en los terceros países que desean comprender el marco jurídico del mercado europeo y aprender de la experiencia europea de los últimos cincuenta años. Esta guía puede aportarconclusiones útiles a este respecto.  La guía refleja la legislación y la jurisprudencia existentes a 31 de diciembre de 2009. 

EP The Role of the EU in promoting boader trasatlantic parnership The European Union should promote a new transatlantic partnership encompassing both North and South America. Such cooperation is necessary not only to respond to competitive challenges from countries like China and India, but also to help develop new markets in Africa and to promote strong partnerships across the South Atlantic. More important, a new transatlantic partnership is essential to protect the security of the Atlantic basin, to develop more sustainable use of energy resources, to protect the environment, to combat the drugs trade and human trafficking, and to tackle the problem of illegal immigration.

Guide to Social Innovation Social innovation is in the mouths of many today, at policy level and on the ground. It is not new as such: people have always tried to find new solutions for pressing social needs. But a number of factors have spurred its development recently. There is, of course, a link with the current crisis and the severe employment and social consequences it has for many of Europe's citizens. On top of that, the ageing of Europe's population, fierce global competition and climate change became burning societal challenges.
Estudio sobre el apoyo a la Investigación y la Innovación en España
La comparativa con el escenario comunitario, arroja un resultado desfavorable, situándose España por debajo de la media (2,03% del PIB como gasto en I+D, como promedio de la UE). En este contexto conjunto, la proporción que representa la inversión pública en I+D supera al promedio comunitario, revelando asimismo la debilidad relativa de la inversión privada en dicho ámbito, inferior a la media de la UE.

Social Agenda 34- Free Movement of Workers Although the EU legislation on the freedom of movement of workers dates back to 1968, the right to equal treatment with the workers of the host country (i.e. non-discrimination on the grounds of nationality) is still not familiar to many, including among national and local civil servants.

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