miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

Publicaciones Internacionales- UE Febrero 2012

EUROSTAT- Basic figures on the EU Spring 2012  The quarterly series ‛Basic figures on the EU’ presents the freshest Eurostat data on a small number of key indicators in the economic and social fields. Each issue is released during the second month of each quarter. The same content is available in a compact printed leaflet. 

Innovation Union Competitiveness Report 2011 La «Iniciativa Emblemática de la Unión por la Innovación» aboga por crear un potente mecanismo de control para medir la innovación y el avance hacia unos objetivos comunes de Europa en este campo. Este objetivo responde a las disposiciones del Tratado3 sobre el control y la evaluación en este campo.

Issue 28 of Social Agenda has a special feature on the future of cohesion policy. It examines the European Social Fund’s role in youth employment, transnational cooperation and synergies between short- and long-term EU measures. A further feature looks at prospects for the new European Semester. Other subjects include the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012, the Youth Opportunities Initiative, and social security coordination between Denmark and Swede. 
Social Europe Guide- Volume 2- Social Dialogue  The Social Europe guide is a bi-annual publication aimed at providing an interested but not necessarily specialised audience with a concise overview of specific areas of EU policy in the field of employment, social affairs and inclusion. It illustrates the key issues and challenges,, explains policy actions and instruments at EU level and provides examples of best practices from EU Member States.
LIBRO VERDE  Hacia un mercado europeo integrado de pagos mediante tarjeta, pagos por Internet o pagos móviles /* COM/2011/0941 final */ La seguridad, la eficiencia, la competitividad y el carácter innovador de los pagos electrónicos es fundamental para que los consumidores, los comerciantes minoristas y las empresas en general puedan aprovechar plenamente las ventajas del mercado único, y ello será cada vez más cierto a medida que el comercio electrónico vaya desplazando al comercio físico. La forma en que se adquieren bienes y servicios en Europa está experimentando un profundo cambio. A medida que aumenta la actividad de los ciudadanos y las empresas de la UE fuera de su país de origen, un funcionamiento fluido de los pagos electrónicos a escala transfronteriza facilita sensiblemente su vida cotidiana
Desmantling Trade Barriers- work still to be done Report 2012. This document is the second Trade and Investment Barriers Report. It provides an account of the progress achieved on the 21 barriers identified in the first edition and also identifies a number of new barriers which merit concerted action and political prioritisation both by the Commission and Member States. As in the 2011 edition, this report focuses on market barriers in some of the EU's strategic partners, i.e. China, India, Japan, Mercosur3, Russia andthe US4.

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