domingo, 30 de junio de 2013


European Vacancy Monitor 9 May 2013 Decline in recruitment demand was particularly pronounced for craft and related trade workers as well as for plant and machine operators (-9% and -7%) in the third quarter of 2012, according to the May 2013 edition of the European Vacancy Monitor.

Policy Brief on Social Entrepreneurship This paper considers the impact of social entrepreneurship in European communities, finding that working with such enterprises and helping them develop can result in widespread gains for public budgets.

Europen Job Mobility Bouletin 9 According to this issue of the European Job Mobility Bulletin, based on the vacancies published on the EURES portal, good job opportunities are available for: Finance and sales associate professionals, Architects, engineers and related professionals, Housekeeping and restaurant service workers, Personal care and related workers, Computing professionals.

The number of people unemployed in the EU has again risen in recent months, hitting a new historic high of 26.2 million in January 2013 (+0.9 % on the previous month). This corresponds to an unemployment rate of 10.8 %. The steady increase in unemployment in the EU in the 21 months to January 2013 has led to a second wave of unemployment, with close to 3.7 million more people out of work (+16.3 %). For youth, the unemployment rate stood at 23.6 % in January (see section on Youth on page 21).

Promoting Green Jobs throughout the crisis This review looks at whether and to what extent national and regional governments have refocused their policy efforts towards green sectors, and the nature of the policy efforts pursued. The European policy context for promoting transition to green growth is examined and the types of national/regional policies and measures identified, before the findings and lessons are summarised.

Relaciones Industriales en Europa 2012- Resúmen Ejecutivo Este informe arguye que los instrumentos y mecanismos de diálogo social, que han jugado un papel muy positivo en Europa durante muchas décadas, siguen siendo medios válidos para afrontar la crisis y contribuir a crear unas condiciones que favorezcan el crecimiento y el empleo. Más allá de la diversidad de los sistemas nacionales de relaciones laborales, el diálogo social es un elemento clave del modelo social europeo, tal como reconocen los Tratados europeos, incluida la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea. 
EU Employment Social Situation Quarterly Review - June 2013 According this edition of the EU Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review, labour market and social challenges have been growing over recent months, as the EU is still faced with ever higher unemployment and the lowest employment figures since the onset of the crisis.

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