martes, 25 de octubre de 2011


Self-employment makes a considerable contribution to the EU economy in terms of entrepreneurship and job creation and accounted for almost 15% of total employment in the Union in 2009. However, it also carries a degree of risk and EU-level policies have been developed over a number of years to support self-employment and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Competencias Profesionales para Empleos Verdes: una mirada a la situación mundial. Sinthesis report based on 21 countries studies.Climate change and environmental degradation are jeopardizing the sustainability of many kinds of economic activity around the globe. At the same time, moving towards a greener economy is creating opportunities for new technologies, investment, and jobs.

The high-level principles are designed to assist G20 countries and other interested economies to enhance financial consumer protection. The principles complement and do not substitute any existing international principles and/or guidelines. In particular they do not address sectoral issues dealt with by standard setter bodies such as BCBS, IAIS and IOSCO. These (non binding) principles will be applicable across all financial services sectors. 

How do taxes affect the level of employment? What reforms can reduce unemployment and increase labour force participation? These questions are answered in OECD Tax Policy Study No. 21: Taxation and Employment. This report examines the effects of taxation on employment, highlights key policy challenges faced by governments, and suggests ways that countries can address these challenges.
Learning while working: how skills development can be supported through workplace learning.
The more highly qualified people are, the more likely they are to participate in learning activities. However, people also tend do less lifelong learning as they grow older, irrespective of their qualification levels. 
Este documento aborda  temas de gran actualidad relacionados con la fiscalidad, como la crisis de deuda soberana en la UE, la viabilidad del Estado de bienestar y de la prestación universal de los servicios públicos, las tendencias de los sistemas fiscales europeos, el proceso de armonización comunitaria del impuesto de sociedades, el establecimiento de nuevos impuestos y tasas (europeos o globales) en el ámbito medioambiental y financiero, así como su vinculación con el Presupuesto comunitario, o la importante cuestión de la lucha contra el fraude fiscal y los paraísos fiscales.
Shengen: la puerta para circular libremente en Europa Schengen, una localidad del sur de Luxemburgo a orillas del Mosela, se ha convertido en sinónimo de la supresión de los controles fronterizos interioresy de la libre circulación en Europa.
La supresión de los controles en las fronteras interiores tiene repercusiones en otros ámbitos políticos, por ejemplo, en el modo de tratar los delitos transfronterizos, los desplazamientos transfronterizos y la justicia transfronteriza. Por consiguiente, las reglas en el espacio Schengen no sólo
se refieren a la libre circulación de las personas, sino también a los visados,
el asilo y la policía, las aduanas y la cooperación judicial.

World of Work Report 2011: Making Markets Work for Jobs, shows that it will not be possible to recover successfully from the Great Recession unless social inequalities are addressed through well-designed policies. Growing youth unemployment, income inequalities made worse as a result of rising food and oil prices, and other social inequities undermine support for pro-growth policies

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